
Ethos of Sport and Business | The Athlete-preneur by Hussein Abdullahi

LeBron James, Kevin Durant, and Kyrie Irving step outside the box of an athlete to craft a life post-career.

Overtime Athletes have begun to step outside the box of their respective fields to pursue another business acumen, whether its IPO’s, investing in start-ups or starting digital media companies, a defining change has transcended the sports world for years to come. Traditionally, athletes are pigeon-holed and are defined by what they do in their sport. Now in the ripe year of 2020, the culture of sport + business has evolved tremendously.

The Boardroom launched by Kevin Durant, RIch Kleiman, and Jay Williams

The Boardroom launched by Kevin Durant, RIch Kleiman, and Jay Williams

Several professional athletes like LeBron James, Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving have set the standards for building a business to grow for your post-career. Whether it’s setting up a digital media network in Uninterrupted, or developing an investment portfolios like ThirtyFiveVentures, or launching a video content platform in PlayersTV. The day in professional sports will come when athletes will make decisions that set them up for years to come. The average NBA career is 4.5 years, which is one NBA contract. The reality is that the future of pro sports will change, forcing the athletes to start thinking about post-career options. As the career goals of star athletes begin to change, they must think about what their future entails. 

How well you play on the court determines how big your business grows.
— Kevin Durant

The implications of the global pandemic have changed the way our sports and entertainment business will run for years to come. With the exclusion of fan experiences, virtual events and meetings, its time for athletes to think creatively and fund their passions outside the sport. Here’s a glimpse of notable professionals athletes or what I like to phrase the term “Athlete-Preneur” and some of their business acumen off the court. Brooklyn’s Kevin Durant has used his time off the court to focus on his business in New York City.

1. Kevin Durant - Brooklyn Nets Forward, Co-Founder ThirtyFive Ventures

Kevin Durant has become a household name in the NBA. Now entering his 13th season, Durant has crafted a unique business off-court. The development of his company ThirtyFive Ventures includes a diverse investment portfolio in tech, media, and start-ups. Co-founded with his Manager Rich Kleiman, the two have created a team that is responsible for Durant's endorsements, philanthropic work, digital media network, and brand. Their unique investment portfolio includes the MLS club Philadelphia Union, Postmates, and Master + Dynamic.

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Brooklyn’s Kevin Durant Co-founded ThirtyFive Ventures with his Manager Rich Kleiman

On the digital content side, The Boardroom has become widely recognized across the sports media world, featuring some of the sports most iconic figures, including Jay Williams, Stephen A. Smith, Rich Paul, and more. Rich Kleiman recently created the Out Of Office Podcastwhere he has candid conversations with the greatest minds in the sports business. Thirty-five Ventures has teamed up with Cadence 13, a New York-based podcast company responsible for audio distribution, monetization, and audience development. Durant also launched his podcast The ETCs with co-host Eddie Gonzalez. The first episode featured the 2016 NBA Champion Kyrie Irving. 

Our goal is to keep growing as a company and keep bringing ideas that are going to help change and push the culture forward
— Kevin Durant

With all Durant’s unprecedented success on the court, he's recognized as one of the worlds wealthiest athletes. According to Forbes Magazine, Durant's current net worth includes his $225 million career earnings, $275 million Nike endorsement deal, plus his sponsorships. At the ripe age of 32, Durant is a Forbes 30 Under 30 alumni and is on the verge of creating a multi-million dollar media and investment empire.

2. LeBron James- LA Lakers Forward, Co-Founder Uninterrupted, SpringHill Company

LeBron James has become no stranger to the sports business, with the creation of his developing his digital media platform Uninterrupted. LeBron James and team anchored by business partner Maverick Carter, Ernie Ramos, and Paul Rivera. James is a unique case study for athletes setting a blueprint and creating a business off the court. Before LeBron played an NBA game, Nike offered him a $90 million. Throughout his career, James help built the Nike business with over $340 Million in sales. Now James is building SpringHill Company with his partner Carter, developing several verticals, including SpringHill Entertainment, Uninterrupted, and The Robot Company.

The SpringHill Company signs a four-year deal with Universal Pictures. LeBron James and business partner Maverick Carter built Uninterrupted.

The SpringHill Company signs a four-year deal with Universal Pictures. LeBron James and business partner Maverick Carter built Uninterrupted.

he’s a risk-taker, he takes risks on everything. He’s just willing to go for something. You have to be otherwise, what are we doing here?
— Maverick Cater

3. Kyrie Irving- Brooklyn Nets Guard, The PlayersTV

Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving has joined an alliance with star NFL and NBA athletes to launch a video content platform PlayersTV. PlayersTV is an athlete lifestyle TV network, where athletes work collaboratively to create, produce, and distribute content to millions of their fans globally. Irving serves as the companies creative visionary officer, responsible for the content strategy and distribution of marketing material. Given the unique climate of our world, players like Irving and McCullom aim to create platforms that will amplify their voices in hopes of providing sustainable impact. Irving produces a one-hour TV special titled #SAYHERNAME calling for justice in the Breonna Taylor Case. Athletes are entrepreneurs by design and are changing the culture of business. It will be intriguing the see how things unfold for Irving, Durant, and James with the expansions of their ventures or the next hand-full of professional athletes.  

PlayersTV is a video-content network and I serve as the Creative Visionary Officer. So I’m responsible for the content strategy, along with the branding aspect.
— Kyrie Irving

Written: @TGQ.Inc

Produced by: @TGQ.Inc

Thanks to: @thirtyfiveventures, @playersTV, @uninterrupted,

Life in Stillness | The Universe's Vacation by Hussein Abdullahi

Over the last month, life has taken a couple of strange turns. Given the time of today’s climate we are facing a global pandemic with the COVID-19, also we are witnessing a world REVOLUTION. The excessive forms of racial discrimination how reached an all-time high, the death of George Floyd has awakened our nation from a global level. During these unprecedented times a few consistent themes that I’ve kept at the top of my mind HUMAN CONNECTION, HEALTHY DIALOGUE, and ADAPTATION.


First, Human communication. This Covid-19 experience has brought an illuminating light in various areas of our daily lives. Often as individuals, we are so accustomed to being on-the-go that we tend to turn a blind’s eye to cultivating human connections. Life in quarantine has presented a golden opportunity for people to develop a deeper sense of human connection with their peers, friends, and family members. With the increasing number of deaths revolving around Covid-19, individuals have shown empathy and strive to make a more conscientious effort to reach out to others. Self-Quarantine has its perks, I’ve felt the need to take a break away from my work so I can reconnect with my friends and family members. Putting the effort into making a phone call, sending a text message or an email can change the dynamics of a friendship, relationship, and connection. Let continue to lead with humanity!



Take the time to check-in with your loved ones on a daily basis. Don’t underestimate the power of human connection.
— Hussein Abdullahi

Healthy Dialogue

During today’s world climate, our culture has been brainwashed to follow a trend in the current social revolution. The vast majority of the black community has been fighting against an alarming rate of racial discrimination, police brutality, and systemic racism. It’s time that our race must collectively stand together and create spaces that enforce healthy dialogue. According to the report of music and entertainment, the average individual watches 11 hours of TV so entertainers have a strong influence on what we consume on a daily basis. As humans, our daily interactions are influenced by several components such as our environment, social circle, and human interactions.

Through our digital platform here at TGQ Inc., we strategized several ways to combat for our fellow members of the black community. We launched our first podcast title Culture Conversation hosted by Founder @twingq, our objective is to create a safe space for healthy dialogue. Each week the podcast has a featured guest from a diverse industry across the sports + business field, discussing topics on cultural capital, social justice, and sports. Our long list of honorable guests includes SLAM creative producer & LeagueFits founder Ian Pierno (@ianpierno), NBATV Host Akil Augustine (@akilaugustine), Toronto basketball legend Myck Kabongo (@kabongoonfire), Toronto Entrepreneurs Randy Osei (@randyrozaay), Antwi Atuahene (@noiretnoire), + more. Tune in every Wednesday at 6 PM ET. vi Instagram Live. Culture Conversation is available across major streaming platforms.



H/T:Culture Conversation

Episode 1: Ft. Nathaniel Elliot, Randy Osei, Antwi Atuahene

Episode 2: Ft. James Clark (@clarkj22)

Episode 3: Ft. Watswitandy, Ian Pierno, Bernard Bowen

Episode 4: Ft. Charlie Max Torres (@bucketsworth)

Episode 5: Ft. Warren Ward (@warrenward10)

Episode 6: Ft. Myck “2-EZ” Kabongo (@kabongonfire)

Episode 7: Ft. Matt Manhire (@mattmanhire)

Episode 8: Ft. Akil Augustine (@akilaugustine)

Episode 9: Ft. Antwi Atuahene (@noiretnoire)

Episode 10: Ft. Tut Ruach (@tutmyownhorn)

Healing for everyone looks different and when you heal, you’ll become your highest self and a clear example of what to be.
— Akil Augustine (NBATV Host + NBA Reporter)


With the recurring effects of COVID-19, unique challenges leave humans in a state of discomfort, vulnerability, and unease. Instead, coping during this pandemic has become the new norm for many individuals, One word to describe the emotional repercussions is Adaptation. To attack Covid-19 head-on, we must Adapt to the current normalities of this pandemic, millions of individuals are fighting the same fight globally. The new norm for working, shopping, travelling, exercising, + more has changed the dynamics of our world, confining to a life where social distancing is at the forefront.

The renowned political activist George Bernard Shaw once quoted that “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. ” With that being said, the only way we progress as a human family is by adapting to ourselves to the world’s current climate. One valuable lesson that COVID-19 has taught us is that things take time, be grateful for what you have today because tomorrow isn’t promised. The universe gave us a vacation so we must take advantage and hyper-focus on relationships with ourselves from a physical, mental, emotional, social, humanistic standpoint.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
— George Bernard Shaw

Often as humans, we conform to a way of living where we are constantly rushing through life and neglecting the true essence of solitude. The value of time must be spent with a deep sense of appreciation, life in quarantine has taught us the true meaning of taking our time with everything we do. In retrospect, it’s great to get a hard reset coming out of quarantine life, Let’s take advantage of the opportunity the universe has created for us and cultivate a deepened sense of gratitude for our current life experiences.

Control your environment and never let your environment control you. On a positive note, we are halfway through 2020 which is a relief for most, remember on the other side of a side come a full ray of sunshine. In hindsight, we will look back at this moment in history and reflect on these times of unprecedented challenges and how it made us stronger from an elevated humanistic side. I always look at my glass half-full rather than half-empty; perspective is everything.



Location: Top Secret

Written & Produced by TGQ Inc. (

Art Graphics by TGQ Inc. (